Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A night at Terengganu State Museum

The best "A night at the Terengganu Museum" trip.

The Terengganu International Squid Jigging Fest 2014 have been taking us medias around Terengganu greatest landmarks and tonight, Tourism Terengganu and Gaya Travel took us to Terengganu State Museum. Noted as one of the largest museum complex in South East Asia region. Recalling the movie "A Night In The Museum", we jumped with joy when we found out that we will be touring the museum. At night. Hosted by Museum Director himself. Bliss.

Located in Bukit Losong, approximately 6km away from Kuala Terengganu city, the Terengganu State Museum has the most impressive architecture I have ever seen, this majestic building resembles the traditional kampung or village house in this colourful east coast state.

We were given a warm welcome by the Museum Director Tuan Haji Mohd Yusof Bin Abdullah, sharing with the medias the objectives, concept and the story of why this architecture or design was selected, right down to museum exhibitions for 2014. A Museum Director that knows his work well, Tuan Haji Mohd Yusof proudly explaining to the international media on Terengganu's most famous piece of history, the Batu Bersurat Terengganu or Terengganu Inscription Stone; known to be he oldest artifact dated as far as 1303, proving that Islam reached Terengganu since 1300. 

This 700-year-old inscribed stone was also listed as an item eligible for world heritage recognition (UNESCO International Advisory Committee mMeting on 13 July 2009, Barbados).

Batu Bersurat Terengganu was discovered near Sungai Tersat at Kuala Berang by an Arab trader named Sayid Husin bin Ghulam al-Bokhari in 1899.

We later had our local Terengganu dinner at the compound of this beautiful museum, introducing local delicacies such as Mas Sejeput, Akok, Nasi Dagang among others.

Local desserts

Famous local delicacies.

Not only we were educated with Terengganu's history and culture, feasting our taste buds with local cuisines but we were also being entertained with cultural dance performance. Hospitality at best.

Exposing the media with kenduri style dinner.

Definitely the best night in Terengganu.

For more detail :
Tourism Terengganu
Terengganu State Secretary 
9th Floor, Wisma Darul Iman 
20503 Kuala Terengganu
Tel : +609-623 1957
Email :

Muzium Terengganu Malaysia
Bukit Losong
20566 Kuala Terengganu
Tel: +609 622 1444

Opening hours
Saturday to Thursday : 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday : 9:00am - 12:00pm, 3:00pm - 5:00pm
* The museum is closed during Hari Raya Puasa and Hari Raya Haji Holidays.

Admission Fee
Malaysian citizen
Adult : RM 5.00
Children : RM 2.00 (7-15 years old) and RM 1.00 (In school uniform)
Non-Malaysian citizen
Adult : RM 15.00
Children : RM 10.00

Note :

Terengganu International Squid Jigging Fest 2014 or Pesta Candat Sotong Antarabangsa Terengganu 2014 is sponsored by the state government of Terengganu, this annual squid jigging carnival aims to introduce as well as relive the old tradition that was once livelihoods for many along the coast of Terengganu between April and August each year. It has since taken on a role as a recreational activity loved by people of all ages. This year’s event will also witness foreign participation from across the region. Various activities have been lined up and include cooking demonstrations and competitions, exhibition stalls, food stalls and the likes centered about… squids. The 1Malaysia Green 1Malaysia Clean campaign that runs concurrently is aimed at promoting the beauty of the state’s coasts, beaches and islands.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Kristang. Our Portuguese culture.

I dislike going to Portuguese Settlement in Melaka for the obvious reason. The last few visit I had (even way back during my school days), I have always been mistaken as a Serani or Eurasian. Having a name like Lily doesn't help either. There was one time, I need to produce my ID to proof them my surname which is pure Malay descendant. Still, they insisted that maybe my grandparents or great grandparents were Eurasian. Hence, I will stay in the car when my friends visited the famous bridge or titi there or watch ikan tembakul/belacak (mudskipper fish).

And my mind was changed.

Today, I learn about Kristang. Something I never knew or took for granted, like most Malaysian.

During my recent to Melaka, I was brought to the Portuguese Settlement, a place where I have always acted nonchalantly of. I feel and think I knew it all, as every students in Malaysia learn about Portuguese occupy Tanah Melayu hence the birth of Serani or Eurasian. And our so called 'knowledge' stops there. Yes, embarrassing indeed. I admit.

An original Portuguese home of Nicholas Loboo at Jalan D’Aranjo.

So today, I get to learn about their culture, their history, their life and not about them occupying Tanah Melayu. About how they assimilate with the locals and became the locals. I learn about my friends, a Eurasian.

Their birth.
When the colonization of Melaka by the Portuguese in 1511, they; the explorer were encourage marry the locals in order to promote settlement thus the birth of Kristang. And with perseverance this Kristang community preserve their customs, culture, language and faith, this is seen when I found out that they still able to converse in their age old Kristang language and practices Roman Catholic.

Their ancestry.
Never did I know that there is a museum at Portuguese Settlement, browsing through their artifacts prove that there is a continuity of the Kristang here in Melaka to their descendant in Portugal which largely reflects in their Portuguese name that they kept thus enabling them to trace back to their ancestor.

Their tradition.
Jingli Nona; a folk dance in Branyo form is famous in Malaysia, known by all races. Devil Curry; an extremely spicy dish that it is said to be the devil incarnate. Festival, something a Kristang community in Melaka is nothing short, few famous ones garnered tourist attention; local and international alike. Here we will be able to witnessed Festa Senjuang or "Feast of Saint John" and “Festa San Pedro” festival (in honour of St Peter, the patron of fishermen), both celebrated in the month of June.

One of the famous ones is the Intrudu Festival; an increasingly popular water festival in Malaysia, it is observed on the Sunday preceding to the Ash Wednesday. It is to mark the beginning of self-mortification prior to Lent which comprises Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday.

The Kristang or Serani or Eurasian are just like you and me, my kereta was from their carreta (car); my sekolah was their escola or school; my yummy keju, it's their yummy queijo (cheese); and of course and everyone's mouth watering nenas, is from their ananás, a word known all over the world; and some called it pineapple *smile*.

Now, I understand them more, appreciate them more and love them more.

A #VMY2014 #Melaka Media Fam Trip in collaboration with #GayaTravel

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup Stadium (Impressive!)

I saw BellaEnveeus posted on her Facebook asking who else would want to join her to catch Qatar 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, after viewing the video HERE, I immediately said 'ME! ME! ME!', I mean... wouldn't you?

Suddenly visiting Qatar doesn't sound so bad after all. Check-out the video and pictures. Gempak ok!

Qatar 2022's First Five Stadiums!

Al-Rayyan Stadium (picture courtesy of Telegraph UK).

Al-Khor Stadium (picture courtesy of

Al-Shamal Stadium (picture courtesy of Realitypod).

Al-Wakrah Stadium (picture courtesy of The Guardian).

Al-Gharafa Stadium (picture courtesy of COB CDCS).

The stadium map (picture courtesy of Business Insider).

Monday, July 14, 2014

Cultural experience for international media in Terengganu

I was paired with 3 medias from 3 different countries namely Estonia, Italy and Great Britain. This was not just an experience for them but for me as well, I find myself getting excited whenever they got excited. And this is when I realised that my knowledge of our local food (East Coast food especially) and fruit is very limited, and describing them in English makes it even harder. How do one translate delicacies such as Puteri Mandi, Kayu Keramat or Asam Gumpal into English; Bathing Princess, Magical(?) Stick and Sour Clump? Hahhahahaa.... Funny huh. Then there's Nasi Dagang, Ikan Singgang, Lekor and the rest. Oh boy, this  is going to be a long day for me (and them too).

Another thing that I find it interesting is that the locals find them (medias) interesting too, they excitedly offering them the local desserts, explaining to us the local fruits plant like serai, pandan, bunga kantan or even petai (I might need to google for the English name here). Introducing to the medias durian, dragon fruit and snake skin fruit which is very exotic to non Asian; a definite eye opener.

Aside from food, the medias get to view some of Terengganu handicraft such as traditional cooking utensils, songket weaving, basket weaving, batik printing etc.

Local Terengganu desserts or delicacies.

Fascinated with the local batik painting which they get to try at their hand at Noor Arfa Batik.

Basket weaving products.

Local traditional cooking utensils.

Terengganu famous serunding ikan or fish floss.

Batik printing blocks.

Batik painting.

Songket weaving.

Later that night we feast our tummy with king of the fruit - Durian, at the Chief Minister of Terengganu's official residence where Tourism Terengganu announce the winner for the Terengganu International Squid Jigging Festival 2014, as well as the winning video and daily Instagram contest. 

Durian session. 

Closing session.

All participants joined in the fun, joget lambak.

Other Terengganu International Squid Jigging Festival 2014 entries :
Squid jigging experience in Terengganu 2014
Terengganu International Squid Jigging Festival 2014

For those interested, annual fishing season for squid jigging is from March to September which coincides with spawning season.

For more detail :
Tourism Terengganu
Terengganu State Secretary 
9th Floor, Wisma Darul Iman 
20503 Kuala Terengganu

Tel : +609-623 1957
Email :

Note :

Terengganu International Squid Jigging Fest 2014 or Pesta Candat Sotong Antarabangsa Terengganu 2014 is sponsored by the state government of Terengganu, this annual squid jigging carnival aims to introduce as well as relive the old tradition that was once livelihoods for many along the coast of Terengganu between April and August each year. It has since taken on a role as a recreational activity loved by people of all ages. This year’s event will also witness foreign participation from across the region. Various activities have been lined up and include cooking demonstrations and competitions, exhibition stalls, food stalls and the likes centered about… squids. The 1Malaysia Green 1Malaysia Clean campaign that runs concurrently is aimed at promoting the beauty of the state’s coasts, beaches and islands.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Challenge accepted. Philippines local transportation.

I have a problem.
I am a sucker.
A sucker for local transportation.
Must have inherited this from my ayah (dad).
He have loadsa books on ships, trains, cars etc.

And I absolutely LOVE trucks!
Ayah bought me a few too when I was a kid, no... I don't play with dolls. Giler gurlie ok! Hahahhahahaa...

I insisted that Edgar, Gael, Llyod and Kirk to take Anna and I on all mode of transportation we bump ourselves into, from Manila to the most northern tip of Luzon; Pagudpud. All must try trip.

Yeah! I am crazy like that (cliche dak ayat nih).

Philippines entry :
Vigan Heritage City, Philippines
Vigan at night | Philippines (#UNESCO)
Vigan Heritage City, Philippines
#TravelTips | Vigan Walking Tour (map) & Metro Vigan Inn, Philippines
Ferdinand Marcos Museum and Mausoleum & Imelda Marcos 

Bangui Wind Farm of Ilocos Norte, Philippines

Most of our rides are in this vehicle that they call tricycle but I call it tuk-tuk (peduli apa depa panggil apa kan.... hahahhahahaa...). Sempit tapi I masih celuih, dah kurus ler tuh (mode perasan berbau riak).

And guess what?

YES! We managed to squeeze ourselves into this tuk-tuk (ok ok ok.... TRICYCLE). Fine.

Untuk perhatian umum, tuh kaki Anna (sebab kaki saya gomok, kaki tuh kurus). Kejam.

The next one was abit drama, I rode on kereta unta, kereta kebal, eh! kalesa ride or horse carriage or kereta kuda.

I cheated. 

My carriage was in black which is very much the colour of all carriages in Vigan but since this one looks more princessy, I decided to take a picture with it. By the way, I was wearing my comfortable new #AdidasNeo shirt, proud.

Our bus got into an engine problem hence Edgar got the local to help us, this uncle fetch us to Bangui Wind Farm and later to the town nearby. I call this vehicle - motorcycle with sidecar but some still calls it tricycle (eyes rolling).

I tried a few local buses as well, this one is from Pagudpud to Vigan.

Giler retarded. Hehehhehheh.....

Their bus drivers are really cool, regardless of the age, most of them will play the 80s and 90s songs. So very the discomania. 

We tried their van as well to get to UNESCO site; Santa Maria Church, please take note muka baru bangun tidur.

I also tried their MRT, sila bersyukur LRT kita lawa. Sekian.

The interior looks exactly like any other MRT we have taken.

Philippines Jeepney! Yes, I finally get to try this. Excited ok.

I love the #AdidasNeo Sochi Olympics shirt, the material is very soft and cooling plus the peach colour stands out as well. Gonna bring it for my next trip. Thank you #AdidasNEO!

Tight squeeze.

This one fascinate me alot. Tricycle but with bicycle instead, similar to Malaysia beca but this one is fully covered.

So, which one have you tried and do you try other countries' mode of transportation. How do you like it?

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