Monday, June 25, 2012

Teaser | Next Trip? Guess...

Take a guess where I am heading to next. Whoever guessed it right will get a ..... hemmm....eerr.... hemmm I'll think of something. Hehheheh....

But I have a problem with visa though, my name was spelled wrongly. How now brown cow? Can I still enter this country?



Farikica said...

ala lily..there are so many countries that require a visa..kasikla tips sket...

Diana Diane Teo said...

Laos or burma or india?

Cawan said...

i guessing Sri Lanka.. yeay menang!!

saya mau New Ipad!! tq tq..

Ramble and Wander said...

I'd say Sri Lanka too!
Ish! Tapi Cawan dah guess pulak! Demit! Saya cadangkan agar Cawan di-disqualified utk kasi can saya menang iPad jugak. Tak iPad, 1TB external HDD pun okay, haha!

Ren said...

Ok dah 2 org jawab Sri Lanka, tapi aku nak jawab Colombo, Sri Lanka...detail sket. Betol tak Tak Tak??? Nak ipad jugak!

Dan Arif said...

Australia!... Yeay dpt iPad 3!

Zulfadly said...


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